Monday, January 02, 2012

I Am Thus Resolved

Happy New Year! As per usual, resolutions abound.

This year, I resolve to lose fifty pounds. This is different from my usual resolution to "lose weight," which technically I have succeeded in doing every year that I made the resolution. However, I've never set a specific goal before, nor did I specify that I need to actually keep it off. My resolution is to be fifty pounds lighter on December 31, 2012, than I was on January 1st. That's less than a pound per week. Totally manageable.

This year, I resolve to get my drivers' license. I resolve to take care of this every year. It's a scheduling problem: I don't have regular access to a car, but I will need to take a road test to get the license. And of course you can't just show up and say, "Hey! I'm ready to take my test now!" Figuring out exactly when to show up for these things is an exact science, and one that I have not mastered yet. So, I cannot promise that this resolution won't come to the same result this year that it has every year previously, but I will see what I can do.

This year, I resolve to get cast in at least one film. It doesn't matter what kind. It doesn't matter if I get paid. I have an agent now, so the odds of me getting paid for film work has increased, but it's not a deal breaker. In order to get paying film work, I need to put together a film reel. In order to get enough footage for a reel, I need to get some time in front of a camera. That means doing student films, shorts, whatever. Fine with me.

This year, I resolve to write an original play. If I write an adaptation as well, that's awesome. But I want to write something new, on my own, and I want to submit it in hopes of having it produced.

This year, I resolve to learn how to play the piano. I got a midi keyboard for Christmas, and GarageBand has tutorials to help learn. I've already started. I need to find time to practice, but I'm excited about it. There is a possibility that I will be writing a musical for my theatre company in the next year or two. While I'm told that my job would involve the parts that aren't music, I'd still like to be able to participate in the conversation. Plus, it's just something I've always wanted to do, and now I can.

This year, I resolve to talk to my family more often. I've really let that slide. Events of the last couple months have driven home how important it is to keep in touch with loved ones.

Right. No problem. Time to get to work.

1 comment:

troy said...

Great post sir.