Monday, April 14, 2008

Expelled Exposed

The National Center for Science Education has set up a website for its response to Ben Stein's new movie, Expelled. Right now the site has a collection of links to reviews of the film along with a number of other articles and media coverage. The NCSE will post its own official response on April 15.

The movie opens in theaters Friday. I'm curious, but I cannot bring myself to give my money to the hypocrites who made the damn thing.


Dan Telfer said...

They've been paying for advertising time during the Colbert Report... Oh man, how stupid does that film take us for? The trailer they play is abominably condescending.

Muskegon Critic said...

I love how it's being referred to as Ben Stein's Expelled. Hopefully that'll stick and ruin his mainstream appeal. It's fitting that they selected an economist/game show host to cover a pseudoscientific subject.