Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Have No Idea What This Means

I found this survey on my friend Fuzzy's page. It sounded interesting. It's very long, for an Internet quiz. I don't know what any of it means. Do you?

Your Aspie score: 97 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 105 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits


Anonymous said...

I think there's this Movement to get folks aware of and accepting of "neuro-diversity." It's all pretty cool and interesting, actually... except that the folks spearheading the Movement tend to be "neurologically atypical" or "bizarre" depending on the side of the fence you're on. So of course it's an uphill battle for them to sell their cause. Typical folks don't know and don't care. Atypical folks can't seem to communicate in a way that makes typical folks know or care.

Take this test for example. A typical person might make a more transparent Key to help others know what the F&@K these numbers mean. But then again, I did say "Yes" to the question "Do you often have trouble learning about something that doesn't interest you?" So maybe there is a key someplace.

Anonymous said...

By the way, by neurologically atypical or "Aspie" I think they mean Autistic or Aspergers syndrome. Aspie. Somebody staring at running water all day and flicking their finger by their ear would, most likely, have a HIGH Aspie score and a LOW neurotypical score.

This, of course, is all just a guess. But you can see why the least neuro typical among us would have a difficult time being heard...what with their affection for running water.

Anonymous said...

So I took this twice, because the first time it said my results were too inconclusive. Then the second time I took it, it said I was basically so autistic that I wasn't even an Aspie. Hilarious. Watch out next time I come over, I might randomly grab a chair and start slapping a fish on it.

Muskegon Critic said...

Three cheers for neuro-diversity!

Shane said...

Weird. Ever since I heard the "Fresh Aire" episode on Asperger's, I've been halfway convinced that I have it. But I got the exact same scores that Chris did..... Hmm.

Anonymous said...

Took it again. I'm an Aspie. Thank goodness I didn't need to see a doctor to find out.

Christopher said...

That's it. I'm never taking one of these online tests again.

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course I'll take more of these tests. I gotta do something with that last half hour of work when the boss is already gone and there's nothing interesting left to do.

But I'm gonna refrain from posting the results. I feel like a lemming, for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense. Nuero-diversity is no laughing matter and you simply did your part to let the world know that the Aspie walk among us!

We're here, we're Aspie, and we're IN YOUR FACE. Because we don't REALIZE it's rude or uncomfortable.