Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Best Review Ever (To Date)

Catey Sullivan of the Pioneer Press News-Star had this to say about my work in City Lit's The Hound of the Baskervilles:

The combination of McCabe's adaptation, Theis able direction and the cast's pitch-perfect performances is evident early on, when country doctor John Mortimer (Christopher M. Walsh) reads a document that fills in Holmes and Watson (and the audience) on the Baskerville curse and highlights the necessity of getting to the bottom of the mystery before young Henry Baskerville (Chris Cantelmi) follows in the footsteps of his unfortunate ancestors.

Like a one-person symphony, Walsh begins his recitation with matter-of-fact understatement, and builds to a rip-roaring crescendo of midnight screams and sudden death at the ghastly hands unknown phantoms.

"One-person symphony." Hee! The rest of the review is just as glowing. Y'all should come check out the show. Just twelve performances left!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, that is indeed a glowing review!