Neverwhere has finally closed, and I can say with certainty that it was the premiere highlight of my theatrical career thus far. I was fortunate to be able to work on a fantastic script based on a wonderful story, with an extraordinary group of talented artists. I've never had this much fun on stage before. I got to be scary and funny at the same time. I got to be larger than life. I got to fight with a quarterstaff, and a machete that sparked. I ate a rat. And an ear.
And Neil Gaiman came to see it.
But the show has closed, as they all must do, and it is time for new adventures. I actually have a few projects lined up that should keep me out of trouble until next summer. First up is a role in Louis Slotin Sonata at A Red Orchid Theatre, followed by a fight director gig on Signal Theatre Ensemble's Accidental Death of an Anarchist, and wrapped up next spring with Lifeline Theatre's adapation of Watership Down. That's right: I'm gonna be a bunny. I also have a workshop or two thrown into the mix, just for funzies.
Speaking of Lifeline, however, I do have some particularly exciting news: I have accepted an invitation to become a member of Lifeline Theatre's artistic ensemble. There was a press release and everything. I spent about a week after receiving the invitation just vibrating with excitement. What made it worse was that the company wanted to hold off on the announcement until after Neverwhere closed, so that whole week was spent sitting on a secret. But it's out now, and I am thrilled. I can't wait to get started.